About Summerfruit SA
Summerfruit SA (formally South Australian Fresh Fruit Growers Association) is an incorporated association representing over 80% of the stone fruit production in the state of South Australia. Our members are mainly located in the Riverland close to the banks of the Murray River, approximately 200km North East of Adelaide. Summerfruit SA members are fruit growers, packing sheds and associated industry businesses.
Our members produce approximately 8% of all Stonefruit grown in Australia.

Opal Packaging is a major sponsor of Summerfruit SA, providing funding which has enabled Summerfruit SA to:
- Support the funding of a Riverland Fruit Fly Co-ordinator
- Support the Government maintain biosecurity of our region
- Lobby on behalf of growers on items such as:
• Water
• Transport
- Hold grower information meetings
- Further develop our industry promotion and marketing activities
Opal Packaging is a major sponsor of Summerfruit SA, providing funding which has enabled Summerfruit SA to:
– Support the funding of a Riverland Fruit Fly Co-ordinator
– Support the Government in maintaining the biosecurity of our region
– Lobby on behalf of growers on items such as:
- Water
- Transport
– Hold grower information meetings
– Further develop our industry promotion and marketing activities
Ongoing Activities
Summerfruit SA has had a long standing and productive business relationship with our Premium partner Opal Packaging.
Opal provide the funding and support which allow Summerfruit SA to continue it’s vital work in the key activity areas listed below:
- Fruit Fly Control
Pursing issues with the State Government to increase border protection and to ensure that funding dollars are maintained. - Grower Information Meetings
A number are held each year, providing excellent information to growers, and an opportunity to share ideas. - Promoting interstate trade and export markets
- Biosecurity SA
Work with the South Australian Government to ensure that all growers who import trees into our State comply with biosecurity laws. - Funding Support
Maintaining our partnership with Opal Packaging as our major sponsor. This funding support is vitally important to our operation and services to our members. - Support to SAL (Summerfruit Australia Limited)
Our national peak body.
Summerfruit SA continues to work to support its members in these areas and many others.

Summerfruit SA
Formally South Australian Fresh Fruit Growers Association – is pleased to welcome you to our website. Our endeavour is to encourage everyone to eat more delicious summer stonefruit by providing you with as much information as possible on how to source, buy, store and cook tasty summer stonefruits grown in the Riverland.
Summerfruit SA © 2019 | Disclaimer | Created by Pippos Technology Solutions