Membership Benefits
The benefits of membership to Summerfruit SA are many. We are working with our partners as well as local businesses to bring you a range of discounted benefits, provide you with information on Water and Irrigation, New Ventures and more. See more information below:
Grower Support with other members
- Communications with member growers – newsletters
- Seek new members to grow our community group
Water & Irrigation
- Monitor issues in relation to the Murray Darling Basin and the Basin Plan
- Represent growers on important issues as they arise – attend meetings – follow up on issues, eg the SA Water Allocation plan, etc
- Make representations to Governments and agencies as appropriate.
- Monitor transport costs and issues and make representation on behalf of growers as appropriate
- Monitor issues and represent growers in respect to managing costs
- Maintain a strong relationship with Opal Fibre Packaging in respect to the sponsorship/partnership arrangement with Summerfruit SA
- Monitor and participate in Biosecurity issues as required
Fruit Fly Control
- Monitor and participate in Fruit Floy Control matters as appropriate.
- Participate in ongoing Fruit Fly Control meetings and groups.
Industrial Matters
- Monitor the industrial wage award and make representations as appropriate; and provide information to members.
Industry Bodies
- Summerfruit Australia Limited – the national peak body – participate in the National board and issues as required.
- Horticultural Coalition of SA – participate in meetings and issues
- Regional Commodity Groups – participate in regional meetings as appropriate
Export Markets
- Support the opening of new international markets where opportunities arise.
Opal Fibre Packaging
Summerfruit SA has negotiated a member benefit package with Opal Packaging where financial members of Summerfruit SA are able to purchase their packaging requirements at a special industry rate plus receive a 5% rebate from Opal.
Opal is also a major sponsor of Summerfruit SA, providing funding which has enabled Summerfruit SA to:
- hold grower information meetings
- fund the Riverland Fruit Fly Coordinator
- further develop our industry promotion and marketing program.
To benefit from this package with Opal, Summerfruit SA encourages all members to discuss their packaging requirements with Opal.
For more information on becoming a member, contact us today.

Summerfruit SA
Formally South Australian Fresh Fruit Growers Association – is pleased to welcome you to our website. Our endeavour is to encourage everyone to eat more delicious summer stonefruit by providing you with as much information as possible on how to source, buy, store and cook tasty summer stonefruits grown in the Riverland.
Summerfruit SA © 2019 | Disclaimer | Created by Pippos Technology Solutions